Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last line of defense

Today the SPX hit 909.92, which broke the previous capitulation level of 944.75 back in Oct 2001 .

Frankly, I am quite worried and shocked because people keep looking for signs of gap down and aggressive buying support. Back then there were still strong players like GS, MS, LEH, BS to at least lead the market. It is pretty sad to see the situation right now because it gives me a bad feeling that we have no clear leaders in Wall Street.

My advise to you is don't try and be a hero to assume any bottom in the market.

What I feel the President should do now is to advise market players to stay calm and educate them on how to preserve the stock market. Company missing earnings by 1 cent does not mean you have to punish them .....because eventually there will be nothing left for everybody including short sellers.

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